July 3rd update

So much has happened since I last wrote to you. As I sit at my computer today the 3rd of July, I can’ help but reflect on Independence Day in the United States. My thoughts are mixed as I contemplate the great blessings that I have known being; born, raised and living in the United States and the great needs I see around me here and especially when I travel. I'm not shy to say that I am not independent, but dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ! He has provided for me so many blessings that I'm sure that I'm not even aware of all of them.  

Recently I was having breakfast with some of my grandkids, I was sharing with them that some families are making decisions not about what to eat for breakfast but which child gets to eat today, and that some families have to rotate which person gets to eat today. Heavy stuff right, never the less reality. My grandkids were in shock/disbelief and I'm guessing that they have or will ask their parents if it's really true.

So where does this drive to help others originate, is it from me? Honestly, I think not. I believe it emanates from the heart of the Lord. I sometimes have sung "break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for your kingdom’s cause" from the song "Hosanna". But do I really mean it? This is a dangerous song because if we truly enter in to the heart of Jesus, we will be heartbroken for people, yes. More importantly we will be confronted by the reality that the needs are too big, too many people need our help.

The good news is that the Lord is not calling you or me to meet everyone's needs, (only He can do that) but He is calling us to help some. Join me in providing clean drinking water, medical equipment and supplies, and construction projects to those He sends us to. 

We just began our 10th year of helping others to know Jesus on July 1st (John 17:3), I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store in this our 10th year.

Today I declare my Dependence on Christ, He said "without me you can do nothing".

David Lomasney, Sr


August 2024


February 2024 - Brasil visit